Electronic Invoice: Ready to start in minutes
Simply send & recieve
ZUGFeRD and XRechnung!
What exactly is meant by the term ‚electronic invoice‘ or ‚e-invoice‘?
An e-invoice is a lot more than just a digital invoice. It is an invoice that is created, transmitted, and received in a structured electronic format to enable efficient electronic processing.
To correspond to European standards, it is advisable to use specific formats such as ZUGFeRD and XRechnung. These formats are standardized electronic formats that can intergate structured data directly into the invoice.
The result? Invoices that can be processed automatically, saving time and reducing errors for both the invoice sender and the invoice recipient.
Details on the topic and on the e-invoice software from gotomaxx can be found in our whitepaper.
With the introduction of the e-invoice obligation in Germany from 2025 onwards, it is crucial that your company prepares for digital modifications now. At gotomaxx, we understand the challenges facing you as a business owner and offer customized solutions to satisfy your needs.
PDFMAILER is the easiest-to-integrate e-invoice software for automated ZUGFeRD or XRechnung documents including XML directly from your ERP. PDFMAILER.ARCHIV is the solution for invoice receipt into your ERP – with little effort
Via printer driver, you can send quick and easy:
• Start creating e-invoices shortly after
• Start electronic invoicing without a complex project
• Electronic invoices in ZUGFeRD or XRechnung formats.
Prepared data mappings are available for ERP solutions
from SAP, Microsoft Navision, Microsoft Dynamics
Business Central, SoftENGINE ERP-SUITE, and others. m o r e
• Tested & approved: SAGE, Mention, AP Plus, and many more.
• With the ground breaking archive functionality, you organize the receipt of an invoice as per specification of the Growth Opportunities Act
„Why do we need PDFMAILER to easily send documents in various e-invoice formats with just one click?“
The German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has announced a significant change in the business world: the Growth Opportunities Act & the introduction of e-invoicing from 2025 onwards or the e-invoice obligation for domestic B2B transactions from the probable date of January 1, 2025. This measure is part of a larger plan aiming at improving the efficiency of accounting processes and further digitizing the economy. Furthermore the federal government (wants to improve the process of invoicing) and tackle VAT fraud and justification for the law (legislative rationale, p. 239).
Important: The government draft plans an interim ruling of several years until 2028. However, as a precaution, the BMF states that all companies will be obligated to receive and process electronic invoices.
(Source: ZUGFeRD Community)
Starting from January 1, 2025, all taxable domestic B2B transactions in Germany are required to be processed via electronic invoices. Companies of all sizes and industries are obligated to receive e-invoices and are also encouraged to receive e-invoices and are also encouraged to send them. But there are some interim rulings: until December 31, 2025, companies are still allowed to send paper invoices, but after that, all transactions must be conducted electronically.
It is important to note that not all transactions are obliged to be processed via e-invoicing. Tax-free supplies and services as well as low-value invoices under 250 euros are excluded from this regulation. Similarly, until the end of 2027, drivers licenses can still be issued in paper form.
The introduction of the e-invoicing obligation means that companies need to rethink their existing processes and prepare for the digital future. It is essential to take action now to make the transition as smooth as possible. Digitizing invoice processes is a complex process that requires time and specific expertise. Companies should not wait until the last minute to prepare for this change.
The introduction of the e-invoicing obligation in Germany is another step towards a more modern and efficient economy. Companies should be aware of this change and take action now to adapt their processes.
Those who embrace digitalization early on will not only meet legal requirements but also benefit from more efficient and cost-effective processes. It is time to embrace the future of accounting and take advantage of the benefits of e-invoicing.
Prepare now!
Now is the perfect time to prepare for the future of accounting. Take advantage of our free trial
period to experience the benefits of gotomaxx e-invoicing software. Register today and discover how
easy the transition to e-invoicing, ZUGFeRD, or XRechnung can be!
ZUGFeRD or XRechnung? Do it like us…!
Register for free today & test your invoice dispatch with PDFMAILER and invoice receipt with PDFMAILER.Archiv.
Processes in outgoing and incoming invoices can be simplified by X-invoice documents or ZUGFeRD e-invoices when software solutions and service providers take over the work.
If you have further questions, we are happy to answer them below, in chat, or by callback.
Receipt of invoice
Your suppliers send electronic invoices that you as the issue recipient, need to archive as well as post directly in your ERP. Our recommendation for this is PDFMAILER-Archive.
Reception and archiving of XRechnungen and ZUGFeRD documents are quick & easy!
*Only possible if the ERP system has integrated the archive via the API.
FAQ e-invoice formats: ZUGFeRD or XRechnung or E- invoice?
In the context of EU and German regulations, there is discussion about XRechnung, E-invoice, and ZUGFeRD, although these terms are often not precisely clear for many entrepreneurs. Let’s make this clear:
The term „e-invoice“ generally refers to electronic invoices, regardless of the specific format. In the context of EU and German regulations, e-invoice refers to the general transition from paper-based to electronic invoices. This transition is supported by standards such as X-invoice and ZUGFeRD to ensure a unified and efficient exchange of invoice data.
X-invoice is a standardized XML format for the electronic exchange of invoice data. It was introduced as part of EU guideline( 2014/55/EU to promote coherent electronic invoicing in public procurement. The German government plans to introduce e-invoicing or e-invoice obligations for domestic B2B transactions starting from the probable date of January 1, 2025, as part of a broader plan to increase efficiency in accounting processes and further digitize the economy. X-invoice enables a structured and machine- readable representation of invoice content.
According to German regulations, X-invoice is the transmission standard for electronic invoice data. This standard precisely specifies which data must be included in a corresponding dataset and in what structure this dataset must be built. This ensures that every receiving system can easily read the received data. These clear specifications help to ensure consistency and interoperability in electronic invoicing.
ZUGFeRD (Central User Guide of the Electronic Invoicing Forum Germany) is a format for electronic invoices that allows the integration of structured invoice data into a PDF document. It combines the advantages of a machinereadable data format (XML) with the visual representation of an invoice in PDF format. ZUGFeRD aims to facilitate the processing of electronic invoices by being understandable for both human readers and computer systems.
gotomaxx offers you ZUGFeRD 2.0 & 2.1
In this ZUGFeRD version, a parallel X-invoices profile is provided. The new profile meets the specific requirements of public administration in Germany. Not only do they comply with the requirements of the European standard EN16931, but they also go beyond to include the national business rules and administration-specific regulations of the X-invoice standard.
Since the end of 2020, countries, municipalities, and also the federal government, according to the E-RechV, only accept invoices digitally under specific conditions format, such as XRechnung or invoices in the ZUGFeRD.
Suppliers and service providers of public contractors of the federal government have been obliged since November 27, 2020, to submit their invoices electronically, taking into account the requirements of EU Guidline 2014/55/EU and the E-Invoicing Ordinance (E-Rech-VO) of the federal government. Exceptions apply to direct orders with a net order value of up to €1,000 or orders that are subject to the abligation to mantain confidentiality (defense and security-specific orders).
2023: Now, the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) has announced a significant change in the business world: the Growth Opportunities Act & the introduction of e-invoicing from 2025 onwards or the e-invoice obligation for domestic B2B transactions from the probable date of January 1, 2025. This measure is part of a larger plan aimed at improving the efficiency of accounting processes and further digitizing the economy. The federal government also aims to achieve more efficient invoice processing and combat VAT fraud with this measure (legislative rationale, p. 239). Read more
PDFMAILER is a printer driver that can attach or embed files as attachments to an XRechnung automatically or manually. The following types of attachments are supported: PDF, TXT, CSV, PNG, JPG, XLS, XSLX.
In the PDFMAILER preview menu you can set which data the XRechnung data record must contain. PDFMAILER automatically creates the structure of this data record according to the selected e-invoice profile. This ensures that the receiving system can read the data received.
choose your e-invoice-profile in PDFMAILER
Check your eInvoices free of charge for compliance with eInvoicing-EN 16931 using the gotomaxx eInvoice Validator.
The e- invoicing obligation means a fundamental change in invoice processing for companies but does not have to be rocket science to implement. With innovative software solutions like the PDFMAILER e-invoice software printer driver, you can quickly and easily optimize your outgoing invoice processes simply by printing.
The advantage for you as a business owner: you can generate X-invoices or ZUGFeRD documents directly from your ERP system and send them to the recipient in the desired format with just one click.
The receipt of invoices can also be easily managed. Electronic archive solutions and invoice receipt management systems support you in receiving, processing, archiving, and providing incoming X-invoices or ZUGFeRD documents for posting in your ERP or accounting system.
Experience gotomaxx e-invoice software in our free trial period. Register and dive into a world where the transition to e-invoicing is easier than ever. gotomaxx.
The future of your e-invoicing starts here.